It is obvious that the pressure at school is no walk in the park. Learners hardly find time to socialize with their friends during meal-breaks or spend fun-filled free moments.
Should we satisfy this wild like passion by caressing their backs rather than exposing them to the foundation of their future?
It is within the walls of school that our children discover their inner being. School academic-based and skill based clubs, therefore, offer a perfect outlet for learners to express their hidden talents.
This is why Holy Cross Catholic International School in Kenya designs talent clubs as part of after school activities.
We build intellectually creative minds through vigorous and supportive educational forums which include spiritual, academic and skill based clubs which cater for the needs of our excellent learners at every stage of their educational journey; from early years through the Senior Secondary School.
Not all learning happens in the class setup. In fact, many life skills are attained through the school
clubs. Despite all academic demands, joining a school club means much more.
Holy Cross Catholic International School is all about providing a holistic education that perfectly balances academics, spirituality and extra curricular activities– the reason behind the growing popularity of the clubs at our most industrious school.
We engage our learners, from all walks of life, in discovering and nurturing their passions, accessing knowledge, developing skills and attitudes in order to be accomplished, have healthy relationships and innovative learners.
Thus, clubs are the backbone of our premier school which facilitate a sense of community through shared interests and help learners delve into leadership roles as well as membership skills. Practically, we have clubs, to mention but a few:
The Holy Cross Academy Choir

The Choir remains our esteemed school’s all-time zestful club.
Alluding from St. Augustine, “Singing is Praying Twice,” the Sacred music we sing is of the utmost significance in every Liturgical Celebration, therefore it beautifies the solemnity and dignity of the Catholic Rites.
Much about the school choir can be summarized from our zealous choir master, Fr. Louis; “The human voice is a beautiful instrument! Let’s be lively and happy in using our voices for Holy Cross Catholic International School, our country and our Good God.“
“We’re singing singing for our God that’s why we are learning Gregorian chants, polyphonies, Religious and many other songs so as to share good messages, bring happiness, remember historical events, learn about cultures and other languages.”
“The Choir is an excellent club for instilling self-confidence, discipline and aid our learners in having a healthy life!”
The Girls’ Club: a brisk team at Holy Cross Catholic International School

It comprises of learners (girls) right around the inception of the primary school. The members are always enthusiastic in learning and innovating new things.
This club’s major goal is to ‘Imitate Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ with Her Holy and pious virtues such as modesty in cleaning, speech, eating, walking… ‘
The club members are also courageously open-minded on the basis of the challenges they face following the maxim of a problem once shared is half solved. This successful club has St. Zita as their patron Saint because they reflect her prayerful life in all her duties, all for the greater glory of the Good God.
Their motto, “Luce At Lux Vestra” (Let your Light Shine) reflects their efforts, with God’s help, in showing good example to other girls around them, putting into practice all they learn in the Girls’ club meetings.
The Girls’ Club has brought about many great chances to explore myself creatively and help others do the same.
Governor, Girl’s Club at Holy Cross Catholic International School.
I can’t express my joy fully on seeing the fruits of our labor; making of Rosaries and many other initiatives we do as young successful learners.
I took over the governance with great zeal to receive insights from my peers, seniors, club advisers and teachers.
All these aimed at personal gaining of fresh perspectives about diversity of new ideas and skills and thereafter extend a helping hand to my club members, without exempting all who need my assistance.
The corporation amongst my club members has successfully given birth to a young community of self-disciplined, hospitable and innovative learners. In the month of May, a month dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, I drew a plan and
we put it into practice. We surprised the entire school by beautifully decorating Our Lady of Fatima’s statue.
This pious action really touched most of the girls in our most excellent school that our club now wins three quarters of the girls in the school. Consequently, we attest that this is a recompense for this good work towards our Holy Lady. Maybe one might ask a question on what we must do to be saved?
This question, in all of our discussions, must always be placed before our eyes, with the answer, work and pray, pray and work and then shall be saved.”
The Boys’ Club

The club is active and its enthusiasm is real as it has drawn quite a fair number of the boys to participate, not to bolster their resumes, but because they have live interests in it.
The club members undertake origami (paper art) and practice First Aid skills. Furthermore, these vibrant youngsters are always at the forefront in the active participation of the Holy Mass as Mass servers.
The Drawing Club

The Drawing Club is another lively club in Holy Cross Catholic International School. The club is under
Brother Martin’s patronage who has excellently inflamed many learners to the love of artwork.
The club’s motto is, “Drawing Club, between Creation and Recreation”. The goal of this excellent club may be summarized by the patron’s word; “We aim to enlarge the mind of our learners, at first, observing; looking at everything, then, understanding; we stare at the world to master its mechanisms. Then we go further a simple reproduction of it.“
The memory will give all its materials to the imagination, which can start to modify or sublime the reality.
We play with our proportion to make our drawings a mirror of society, reflection of fantasy or more dramatic e. g we can enlarge character’s eyes to portray nonverbal cue-facial expression.
Thus, Art allows a child to to come to reality and have a sweet taste of it’s beauty. We highly recommend your child to exercise Arts.
This will facilitate him/her to find an equilibrium of cooling down slowly after the school’s tiresome undertakings.
Other Fun Filled Clubs At Holy Cross Academy
The school has other skill based clubs which include the Musical Instrument Club, Robotics Club and the Drama Club.
All these clubs provide a great way for a learners to grow and nurture their talents.
Moreover, we the school offers Academic based clubs which are founded on some subjects taught in our
school such as Mathematics Club, Science Club, Literature Club, French and Kiswahili Clubs.
We attest the tremendous changes among our learners following their engagement in clubs.
Clubs have greatly impacted their regularity in schooling unlike the truancy they had prior clubs. For instance, before the clubs, our learners were timid, shy and lacked self-assurance.
But today, they are disciplined, have obtained competent leadership skills and an eloquent public speaking.
“Today, all our students confidently disseminate messages to teachers and learners,” says Fr. Louis, the School Chaplain.
To wrap up…
There are hardly any shortcomings in joining a school club especially the ones offered at our school.
They deliver a unique expression beyond the pages of any textbook.
The clubs we have at our resourceful school are a great opportunity to make schooling worthwhile and bake a well-rounded learner, ready to face the bumpy world!
We offer the most affordable international education in Kenya!