At Holy Cross Catholic International School, we believe in the enduring values of Traditional Catholic Education. In light of recent developments, we wish to shed light on our unwavering commitment to this distinctive approach, one rooted in faith, morality, and timeless principles.

Preserving Moral Integrity
The Kenyan episcopate has raised concerns about the introduction of sex education in schools, a measure initiated without proper public discourse. This move, dubbed “General Sex Education (GSE),” has raised alarms among the bishops, who fear it may inadvertently lead to an increase in abortions.
Bishop Paul Kariuki Njiru, Chair of Religious Education at the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB), aptly described this as a “mischievous” and “behind-the-scenes” introduction, contradicting the belief that the Competency Based Curriculum should be founded on values and age-appropriate teachings.
This measure, suddenly announced by the Kenyan government, was ostensibly part of broader educational reforms, yet it raises concerns about the impact on students, who may be exposed to themes associated with family planning, including abortion and contraception, from an early age.
Aligning with Traditional Catholic Values
In response, Holy Cross Catholic International School stands resolute in its commitment to providing a different path – one rooted in Traditional Catholic Education. We firmly believe that this approach safeguards the moral integrity of our students.
While NGOs in Kenya seek alignment with “developed” countries, Holy Cross remains steadfast in adhering to our principles. Kenya currently ranks among the top three nations globally in teenage pregnancies, making it even more vital to uphold values-based education.
Our approach stands in contrast to the new content, which fails to emphasize abstinence and could inadvertently disrupt young minds, leading to what the Kenyan prelates term as a “sexualization of the learning environment” that may contribute to a concerning rise in teenage pregnancies and abortions.
A Call to Vigilance
In this environment, we urge parents to remain vigilant, recognizing their pivotal role in their children’s education. We also encourage educators to display courage by selectively removing contentious sections from future textbooks.
The fears expressed by the Kenyan episcopate are grounded in the reality of the “FP 2030” program initiated by the Kenyan government in November 2021. This program seeks to provide widespread contraception access, reduce teenage pregnancies, and introduce gender ideology to break socio-cultural barriers – a direction that we, at Holy Cross Catholic International School, believe strays from the path of moral virtue and timeless values.
In conclusion, our commitment to Traditional Catholic Education remains unwavering. We provide an educational sanctuary where faith, morality, and virtue are not only preserved but celebrated. We invite all parents and stakeholders to join us in this mission to nurture ethical, compassionate, and principled individuals who will shape a better tomorrow.
So if you are a parent considering the best school for your child’s education, Holy Cross Catholic International School is definitely the school you are looking for. Apply now to register your child and secure an uncorrupted future for him/her.
Hello, can a 5 year old board your school? Am single mother working far abroad, and am not able to take my kids with me
Hello Cecilia,
Thank you for considering our school for your child’s education. Unfortunately,we are primarily a day school.