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In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.

Acts 20:35

Help the Children

“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”

Mother Teresa


Holy Cross Catholic International School is offering a high quality education for all children. Being a Catholic School, Holy Cross Academy is intending to give the best service to the pupils at the lowest cost.

For us Education is a Vocation, not a business.

Bordering the slum of Kawangware, the School has also an opportunity to help some bright and needy children to get a good education, giving them scholarships.

Be part of it! Help us to help many children

Help the African Children - Donate to Holy Cross Catholic

The School aims to provide deserving Kenyan children with good quality education through our sponsorship programs. You can be part of the change that we strive to make in the lives of these deserving children and families.

You can send your donations through any of the available means shown below.

Donate Via Mpesa

Go to M-pesa on your phone
Lipa na M-pesa
Paybill Number: 537695
Account: HCA
Enter Amount
Finally, Enter your PIN

Donate Via Cheque

Donations can also be made by cheque to:
Holy Cross Academy 
PO BOX 025096 – 00603 Lavington, Nairobi.

Donate Via Paypal


Support Bright Futures: Scholarships for Kawangware’s Brightest Stars


At Holy Cross Catholic International School, we believe that every child deserves the opportunity to shine, regardless of their background. In the heart of Nairobi’s Kawangware informal settlement, we have discovered a treasure trove of talent and potential among bright young minds from humble families. These children, with their dreams and aspirations, inspire us every day.

Why Scholarships Matter

Education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty and creating a brighter future. Our scholarship program is a beacon of hope for these talented students. It provides them with access to a world-class education grounded in Catholic values, nurturing not just their minds but also their spirits.

Changing Lives, One Scholarship at a Time

With your support, we can continue to transform lives. By contributing to our scholarship program, you empower us to offer these children a chance at a better life, equipping them with the knowledge and values to become leaders and change-makers in their communities.

How You Can Help

  1. Donate: Your generous contributions can make a world of difference. Click the “Donate” button below to contribute securely and conveniently.
  2. Sponsor a Child: Consider becoming a sponsor, providing ongoing support for a child’s education and development.
  3. Corporate Partnerships: Partner with us to make a lasting impact. Corporate sponsorship opportunities are available.
  4. Spread the Word: Share our mission with your friends, family, and networks. Awareness is a powerful tool for change.

Your Impact looks like this;

a) $300 can provide essential school supplies for a child.

b) $400 can cover a month’s tuition for a scholarship recipient.

c) $1000 can support a child’s education for an entire term.

d) $5,000 can sponsor a child’s education for a year, transforming their future.

Together, We Can Illuminate the Path

Join us in lighting up the future for these bright stars from Kawangware. Your support is more than a donation; it’s an investment in a brighter, more equitable tomorrow.

Donate Today and Be a Beacon of Hope!

Thank you for being a friend of Holy Cross Catholic International School and for helping us make dreams come true. Together, we can empower the next generation of leaders and give them the wings to soar.

Instaurare Omnia in Christo