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best catholic school in Kenya


In today’s digital age, screens are widespread. From smartphones and tablets to laptops and televisions, technology is woven into the fabric of our daily lives. While technology offers incredible educational opportunities and connects us in meaningful ways, it also presents challenges, especially when it comes to children and screen time. As parents and educators, we...
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The Role of Faith in Education Education goes beyond textbooks and exams. At our international Catholic school, we believe that true learning happens when faith, knowledge, and character blend seamlessly. Our commitment to faith in education is evident in our daily spiritual practices, which shape our students into individuals of integrity, compassion, and wisdom. A...
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Excitement for the Second Term The doors of Holy Cross Catholic International School have opened once again, welcoming students and staff into an exciting new chapter of learning, growth, and achievement. As the second term begins, the air buzzes with energy and enthusiasm, setting the stage for what promises to be a remarkable period. A...
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Christmas brings with it a season of reflection, celebration, and connection. At Holy Cross Catholic International School, the essence of the season shines through in the values of faith, family, and festive joy. These pillars not only define our celebrations but also strengthen the bonds within our school community, making this time of year truly...
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In a world where technology is ever-present, today’s students are naturally tech-savvy. Yet, while technology enriches learning and offers countless benefits, we recognize the importance of creating balance in our school. Our approach integrates digital tools thoughtfully while ensuring that students do not become overly dependent on screens or exposed to the potential downsides of...
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In today’s fast-paced world, where ethical challenges arise regularly, integrity remains one of the most critical values in shaping a successful and fulfilled life. At our international Catholic school integrity isn’t just a word; it’s a foundation woven into every aspect of our educational approach. Through our carefully designed curriculum and faith-based values, we strive...
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In today’s fast-paced world, parents play a crucial role in shaping their child’s academic success. With the many demands on both students and parents, staying involved in your child’s education can sometimes feel overwhelming. However, research shows that parent involvement positively impacts a child’s academic performance, self-esteem, and overall well-being. The good news is, you...
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At Holy Cross Catholic International School, we believe that a well-rounded education goes beyond textbooks and exams. While academic success is important, it is through arts and extracurricular activities that students truly develop creativity, critical thinking, and social skills. As an international school offering an international education, we are committed to nurturing the whole child...
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Expanding Our Reach. Our International Catholic school recently participated in the Nairobi Trade Fair for an entire week, gaining an incredible opportunity to increase our visibility. Not only did this event allow us to engage with a diverse audience it also attracted families from regions beyond Nairobi. The fair provided us with a platform to...
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In today’s fast-paced world, the well-being of students has become a priority for many educational institutions. At our international Catholic school, we believe in nurturing not only the academic success of our students but also their mental health. Faith plays a vital role in shaping student wellness, helping them build resilience, cope with challenges, and...
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